Quilled Letter S Monogram: Yellow & Gray

February 16, 2021

Quilled Letter S Monogram: Yellow & Gray

In the world of quilling, every project offers a unique opportunity for creativity and self-expression. And sometimes, the most captivating pieces emerge when you step away from the familiar and embrace the new. Such was the case with a recent quilled letter S monogram I had the pleasure of creating for the same customer who ended up ordering the Rainbow Unicorn.

Exploring Uncharted Color Palettes

Quilling has a way of surprising me, offering avenues of exploration that I might never have considered otherwise. While I had created countless monograms before, the request for a yellow, white, and gray letter S monogram piqued my interest. You see, most of my previous monogram projects revolved around shades of blue, a popular choice among clients. But this time, I was presented with an opportunity to dive into a refreshing and less-traveled color palette.

Personal Connection and Inspiration

What truly caught my eye was the striking resemblance between the color palette of the monogram and my own bathroom decor. The shades of yellow, gray, and white mirrored the colors that I chose for my personal space. Every time I worked on the monogram, it reminded me that I really needed to create something for my own bathroom.