Game of Thrones Fan Art: The Quilled Targaryen Sigil

April 12, 2016

Game of Thrones Fan Art: The Quilled Targaryen Sigil

There’s something enchanting about translating our passions into art, and for me, that meant bringing the world of Game of Thrones to life through quilled fan art. Recently, I embarked on a project that holds a special place in my heart – the Targaryen sigil, a symbol of dragons, power, and a deep love for the book series.

My journey with Game of Thrones began with the books by George R.R. Martin, a saga that captured my imagination and led me into a realm of knights, intrigue, and a relentless pursuit of the Iron Throne. My husband and I were captivated by the rich tapestry of characters and plots. We actually had a sort of contest where we’d each read voraciously and then compare notes in the evenings after work.

My husband’s admiration for dragons made the Targaryen sigil an obvious choice for my quilled fan art project. The image of a red three-headed dragon against a black backdrop is not just a symbol; it’s a representation of strength, legacy, and the indomitable spirit of House Targaryen.

As I meticulously coiled, shaped, and arranged paper strips, the Targaryen sigil began to take shape. The dragon’s heads emerged with a sense of regal power, and the black and red hues echoed the stark contrast of fire and shadows that defined the series. With each coil, I felt a connection to the rich lore of Westeros and the saga that had been woven into my life.

The process of creating the Targaryen sigil was both therapeutic and nostalgic. It allowed me to channel my love for the books into a tangible form, to capture the essence of the dragons that had enthralled us for years. It was a way of paying tribute to the fictional world that had given us countless hours of entertainment, speculation, and conversation.

However, as I worked on my quilled masterpiece, a bittersweet realization began to sink in. The magic of Game of Thrones had endured until mid-way through the HBO series. The characters and plots that had captivated us were slowly transformed by decisions that left us disillusioned. The show runners’ choices soured our connection to the characters and the story we had once cherished.

It was this realization that shifted my original plan. I had intended to create a collage of our favorite house sigils, a testament to our deep admiration for the intricate world that George R.R. Martin had created. But the TV series’ trajectory had dimmed my enthusiasm. The Targaryen sigil became a tribute not just to the dragons and legacy, but to the complex emotions that came with our journey through Westeros.

As I completed the quilled Targaryen sigil, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of reflection. It was a labor of love, an embodiment of both the fervor and disappointment that accompanied our journey through the world of Game of Thrones. The Targaryen dragon heads, once symbols of awe, now stood as reminders of the dichotomy of our experience – a tale of both wonder and disillusionment.