Mesmerizing Vortex Coil Art: Whirled Wonders

April 7, 2017

Mesmerizing Vortex Coil Art: Whirled Wonders

In the realm of paper quilling, where delicate coils intertwine to create beauty, there are moments that transcend the ordinary and become something truly extraordinary. Recently, I found myself captivated by mesmerizing vortex coil art—a technique that I never intended for a final artwork but became an unexpected source of fascination. This post is a journey into the world of vortex coils, an exploration of their intricate beauty and the unexpected ways they became an integral part of my quilling journey.

The Birth of Vortex Coils: An Unplanned Beauty

As an artist, I often find inspiration in the most unexpected places. The vortex coil technique emerged as one such instance. What began as an experiment in shaping paper coils took on a life of its own, evolving into a visually captivating technique that left me entranced. The process of creating vortex coils was an exploration of form and movement—a dance of paper strips that led to intricate spirals that seemed to draw you in.

Beyond the Artwork: A Photographic Marvel

The vortex coils, though never intended for a specific artwork, quickly became a photographic marvel. The way light played upon their layered twists and turns created a dynamic interplay of shadows and highlights. It was in capturing these coils through the lens of a camera that I discovered their potential as standalone subjects of beauty—graphic wonders that showcased the harmonious blending of form and texture.

Crisp, Clean, and Mesmerizing: A Visual Treat

The vortex coils possessed a crispness and clarity that was visually striking. Each coil seemed to come alive in the photograph, revealing intricate details that might have gone unnoticed to the naked eye. The clean lines, the intricate layering, and the sense of depth all contributed to a visual treat that demanded attention.

An Unexpected Transformation: From Coil to Poppy

While the vortex coils were never intended for a specific artwork, destiny had other plans. These coils, with their alluring form, found their way into my quilling journey in a most unexpected manner. They became an integral part of a piece I titled “Sleep My Pretty,” a quilled field of poppies. The poppies, formed using the vortex coil technique, took on a three-dimensional quality that breathed life into the artwork.

A Continuation of Beauty: The Red Poppy Landscape

The allure of the vortex coil technique continued to weave its magic through my artistic endeavors. A few years later, I found myself drawn to the idea of creating a miniature landscape—a vibrant red poppy field. Drawing upon the same technique that had captivated me before, I used vortex coils to create a sense of movement and dimension within the landscape. The result was an artwork that celebrated the technique’s versatility and enduring beauty.

Future Explorations: The Promise of Possibilities

As I reflect on my journey with vortex coils, I’m reminded of the boundless possibilities that await exploration in the world of paper quilling. The technique, born out of curiosity and shaped through experimentation, has illuminated new pathways for creative expression. The crispness, the clean lines, and the mesmerizing spirals have opened my eyes to the potential of transforming a simple strip of paper into a captivating work of art.


The journey with vortex coils has been a testament to the serendipitous nature of creativity. What began as an unplanned experiment transformed into a source of visual wonder—a technique that breathed life into my artistic vision. From photographic marvels to integral components of quilled landscapes, the vortex coils have showcased their versatility and beauty in unexpected ways.

This exploration into vortex coils has reaffirmed the belief that inspiration can be found in the simplest of places and can lead to remarkable artistic discoveries. As I continue to journey through the world of quilling, I carry with me the memory of the mesmerizing vortex coils—a reminder of the beauty that can emerge when one embraces the unknown and allows creativity to take flight. The allure of these coils beckons me to delve deeper, to seek out new techniques, and to let the unexplored paths of paper quilling guide my hands to create art that captivates the soul.