Quilled Whale Ocean Scene: A Journey Across Paper Seas

November 10, 2016

Quilled Whale Ocean Scene: A Journey Across Paper Seas

This particular piece is a quilled whale ocean scene featuring a unique concept: a Humpback that transforms into an island. This creative piece was inspired by an illustration I saw that I was determined to bring to life using the art of paper quilling.

Inspiration Strikes

My journey started when I stumbled upon an illustration that deeply resonated with me. It depicted a colossal whale so immense that it functioned as a living island for various ocean creatures. The concept was whimsical and fantastical, and I instantly knew I wanted to recreate it using paper as my artistic medium.

The Paper Canvas

This endeavor was more than just rolling paper; it was about crafting an entire aquatic ecosystem. I created sea plants and corals, all set inside a circular “bubble” that itself was framed with blue bubbles. I added in a simple sky with shafts of light streaming through the clouds.

A Touch of Pen Magic

While most of the artwork is composed of quilled elements, I introduced a unique twist by using pens to add intricate details. Fish and jellyfish came to life with my pen strokes. This blend of quilling and hand-drawn artistry infused depth and whimsy into the scene.

The Whale That Became an Island

At the heart of this quilled ocean scene was the whale that seamlessly transformed into an island. Its body consisted of cardstock glued on its edge to form contour lines. Once the piece was done, it was clear that the concept of the whale carrying the island on its back wasn’t relayed effectively, but the piece as a whole worked as an ocean scene in and of itself.

Inspiration Leading to a Pod of Humpback Whales

Shortly after completing this piece, I embarked on another project: a pod of humpback whales. Using a contour line technique, I aimed to capture the elegance and beauty of these magnificent marine creatures.
